


June 11, 2004
I got Matt's Bio up, I am actually working on the site now, It rained all day, I'm going to go to bed.

June 9th
Oh, wow. Where do I start? Matt, Pitman, and myself have really been at the trails all the time. Matt has been doing the fourth now, but I haven't really rode cause I got hurt sunday night riding street. I hit my tailbone pretty hard, it's still bothering me, but Matt says stop your bitching, so I am not going to bitch about it. After the trails today, me and Matt decided to play some X box. Of course I ruled him on Matt Hoffman, but he killed me on some baseball game, that's okay though cause I want a re-match. A few weeks ago Rudy and myself rode New Philly. Rudy was airing out really good, and he fufed a few things, along with fufing a sub that you had to like, how would I describe this..90 into it, then 90 back into it. It was awsome. Then we stopped at Mcdonalds that next town. Other then the old people that have nothing else better to do then eat Mcdonalds at 1130 at night, the food was good. I haven't saw Rudy since, but I'm sure I'll see him soon. Also, Corey gets his cast off soon, in 8 days, so everyone I have talked to about it is real happy about it including myself. I added some old picutres, check them out if your heart desires. Also, I added a random page. If I update again, it might not be for awhile, but who knows the next update can be tomarrow...who knows?! -chad

May 9, 2004
I am just sitting here bored again, so I'll tell you what went on today. I went back to the trails and dug all day while others went to work and worked on their grass. Our good old pal Matt Pitman has an infected leg, and I guess has to take some pills for 5 days or so. Get off them pills soon Matt.

May 8, 2004.
It seems as the site has been gone for so long, and I have nothing to do and it's friday night so I figured I'd work on a page or two. Riding wise, our trails are comming along so well now. I'll post a few pictures of them the next time I update. Yesterday Matt, Nick, and myself rode our trails. After that we went to ride some of another set of trails, not as big but fun (Kelly Park), but I didn't get much riding in cause I punched some little mexican kid that was throwing rocks at me and matt and cussing up a storm at us. So That made us go see Corey, incase you haven't heard Corey broke his ankle in 8 places...yes 8 places. We all wish him the best and hope he heals up fast. Today, me and Matt dug a little on the 4th landing and stole a rug for the trails. That's all for now. Take it easy, -Chad