Matt Lesky




Matt Lesky
How old are you?: 17
Bike: DK Legacy
Favorite Terrain: i ride some mean flatland..., I mean trails.
So Matt, we all know you had an imaginary friend there awhile back, care to share:You should know all about him you introduced him to me.
I understand you like side burns? no i just have them
If you could do anything for one day, what would it be: id go snowbording rite now
Do you like being the toughest kid on the face of the earth: thats just a rumor.
We all know you punched Dave Mirra in the face, what was that like: It was the best feeling ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who do you not like: I like most everyone until they become annoying then they have got a problem, at this moment im gonna kill chad cause he keeps hurrying me, when hes the slow ass mofo.
Alright, now what: i suggest u get ur ass to bed u cranky kid
So we're done? I don't know, I'm not the one asking questions.
Who influences you: definatly not chad *wink* probley myself cause i ride for myself but if it was one person it probley would be rudy linder cuz hes the one that started it all for me.
Started all of what? me riding. I saw him at kelly one day and said I want to be like him.
Matt I love you: You have to have love for yourself.
What?!: Go to bed already, it's getting late for you.
How many years have you been riding? 3 or so.
Do injuries usually bum you out, piss you off, or what: it seems i get injuried once a year and it ends up in me going to the hospital, so i guess 1 time a year isnt bad.
Do you have any vivid images of when you were younger that made you get into the whole BMX era: vivid images what? thats some big language for you. no vivid images were seen but i watched a porno called vivid images.
What do you think about me always kicking your ass in Matt Hoffman's Pro bmx: That game is rigged.
Is that just a lame inscuse? Nope its true u gave me the shitty controller.
Alright Matt, any last words? fuck the rap shit
I like Rap: yeah, me too
Anyone you'd like to thank? No
Not even Me? Fuck You





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